Thursday, November 8, 2012

God's role in the elections

Yesterday when I got up I looked at my phone and saw a text message from my daughter Kate that read “God is still on the throne” (Psalm 93:1-2).  I knew that was a pretty good indication that at least some of the elections did not turn out the way I was hoping. 

The message was a great opportunity to for a quick review of some of the things the Bible says about God’s place in what took place yesterday.  Here are a few passages and applications that came to mind.  I would be very interested in hearing other passages and applications that come to your mind as we process the results of November 6th.

God is sovereign. Psalm 103:19 says: His sovereignty rules over all”.  This includes not only the heavenly kingdom but earthly realm as well.  The Bible is full of the assurance that God is sovereign and in control.  He is sovereign and in control of the outcome of all elections.

Even in a form of government like America, where we elect our leaders,  God puts in power those He chooses.  Romans 13:1b says: …there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.   Paul left no wiggle room in this passage when he says there is NO authority except from God.  Daniel 2:21 says “He (God) sets up kings and deposes them”.
God controls the hearts of kings.  Proverbs 21:1 says “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord…”  The heart of every king and ruler, their thoughts, counsels, purposes, and designs are in the hands of God.  This includes bad kings, like Pharaoh, whom the Lord hardened and softened at His pleasure; the wicked anti-Christian kings referred to in Revelation 17:17 as well as the hearts of good kings, like David and Solomon.

If our particular preference is not in the White House and our party did not pick up the desired number of seats in Congress, this is not a reason for despair.  It simply means that we need to direct our efforts towards trying to discover God’s will and reasons for who HE appointed to these positions and to rule over us.

So what should we do now? 1 Peter 2:17 tells us to “Honor the king” and 1 Timothy 2 instructs us to pray for those in authority over us.  

As believers in Jesus Christ no matter what our political affiliation is and how we viewed the outcome of the election yesterday, we can face the future with the full assurance knowing:

  1. God is in control
  2. President Obama and other government leaders are right where God wants them
  3. The hearts of our leaders are in the hand of God.  

I don’t know about you, but I could not think of a better place to be; knowing that the Sovereign God of the universe who cares and deeply loves me is in control of the United States political landscape.

Commit with me to pray for President Obama as well as other elected leaders and our country.  And remember to honor them and trust God to fulfill His purpose for the future of our United States.

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