Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The elections are here…Finally!!

If you are like me, you are so ready for the debates, endless campaign ads and everything else that goes with this “great” democratic process to be over.  Although I am sure that most of us have long ago made up our minds as to who we will vote for, I do think there are a few helpful remembers about God’s place in this process as we endure these last few days.

Daniel 2:20-21 – Daniel declares that God both removes and sets up government leaders and accomplishes His will through them.  God will see His will accomplished no matter who is elected.  The book of Daniel is a good picture of this.

Psalm 75:6-7 – God is the one who raises up one leader and not the other.  It is quite comforting to the Believer to know that God’s plan is not at the whim of political campaigns.  Sure we live in a democracy and must vote for our next president, but God is the one who puts in power who He wants in power.  

Romans 13:1-4 – Paul says that God has established all governments and He has the power over them.  In verse four Paul calls government officials ministers of God.  We might not agree with him but we must respect our President.

Proverbs 21:1 – Solomon says that God can turn a ruler’s heart.  Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have changed their positions on a number of issues that are important to Christians.  These include things like: abortion, same-sex marriages and universal health care.  No matter what their position is today, God can change their heart over the next four years.

The Bible is full of kings and rulers who were bad leaders.  Yet God still gave them the position and used them to fulfill His purposes.  The Old Testament is full of leaders in Israel’s history that made evil decisions, yet God still accomplished his purpose through Israel.  He continues to do it today and will in the future.

As we look forward to the election we need to remember that the salvation of this world does not come through the messy business of politics.  Elections are important, but salvation comes through Christ the Messiah.  Psalm 118:9 says “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes”.  Amen to that!

Please vote!!  Know the candidates and what they stand for.  There are many important issues that must be addressed in the next four years.  I believe one of the greatest challenges America is facing today is our national debt.  Debt will destroy America.  History has shown this in the past and countries like Greece, Italy and Portugal and experiencing the effects of debt today.  But even more importantly the Bible tells us the danger of debt (Proverbs 22:7).

So as we finally come to the end of this campaign what should we do?  Be informed, make a biblical worldview decision and vote.  Then accept the results with the absolute assurance that God is still in control.

And don’t forget to pray for our leaders.  1 Timothy 2:1-3 tells us: “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for… …all that are in authority…  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;”   

And then enjoy again a world without endless streams of political ads!

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