Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Penn State Shame and OWS (Different week same message)

Last post was about the Occupy Wall Street movement. The more I read about this “movement” the more I am convinced that the conclusion of the last post is right on. Our society is placing its trust in the government instead of God. They want the government to provide for them and “teach” generosity to the “one percenters” or wealthy people. Someday every person in America and Europe will realize that our faith needs to be in God and not the government. We cannot replace God with government.

This week the news is filled with the incredibly horrific story out of Penn State about a suspected pedophile and the apparent massive cover up that took place over the last 13 years. As a Penn State fan, this is way too close to home and personal.

We need to be careful not to jump to too many conclusions until we know more information, but from where we sit right now there is a good chance that one sick individual caused a lot of harm on young boys. What makes this story so tragic is that it could have been avoided.

And from a Christian’s perspective the same mistake that OWS folks are making is what allowed the alleged horrific acts of one individual to spiral out of control and affect so many others. If Mr. Sandusky had been stopped and dealt with back in 1998 when the act was witnessed by Mike McQueary there never would have been the multitude of victims that followed “Victim #6”.

Why wasn’t he stopped? Just like the Occupy Wall Street movement, we have made the tragic mistake in America of trying to replace God with government and it does not work. Although the details still need to be verified, it appears as if Joe Paterno and Mike McQueary did what the law (government) required. But did they do enough? It appears as if they did by the law’s standard, but certainly not by God’s standards. They both reported the incident to their superiors and that is what the law requires.

Ephesians 5:11 says that we should have nothing to do with evil and we should expose it. This includes a prestigious institution like Penn State or the Catholic Church or a Baptist or Presbyterian or any other church for that matter. We need to expose and run from sin. Exposing many times means more than just telling one individual.

On a recent CNN News clip it was reported that a public University like PSU is exempt from Pennsylvanian’s Right to Know Law which means they can lawfully keep things from the public. John 3:20-21 says that evil deeds like this need to be seen for what they are and exposed by the Light.

And with our crazy society today who can blame Joe Paterno and Mike McQueary? Although I am not defending their actions, certainly some lawyer would have been all over their case claiming defamation of character for exposing this heinous act.

This is the same problem that the people associated with the OWS movement have. We need to trust God and not the government. We need to look to God to teach generosity and deal with greed. This is not a job of government as the OWS folks want us to believe.

And the dark cloud over PSU shouts the same message. We need to stop looking to the government to legislate morality and integrity. We need to look to God and His Word to direct us in moral and ethical situations like what took place at State College.

Will America ever learn that we cannot replace God with the government?

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