Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Occupy Wall Street (instead of our hearts?)

It started as “Occupy Wall Street” and now it has expanded to over 250 locations according to this Wikipedia site. Every time you turn on the news, you hear more about OWS. But the odd thing is that no one can get a handle on exactly what they are protesting. Their demands seem to be all over the map. Some people are not taking them seriously. I think this is a mistake. Let’s examine three of their complaints that do seem to be consistent.

First they seem to be bothered by greed. The greedy corporations (“1%”) need to give more of their wealth to fund government programs to benefit everyone else (“99%”). On the surface this reflects our Christian values in which the Bible condemns greed. Luke 12:15 says we should beware of greed and greed certainly is a sin, but can we legislate it away? Are these protestors looking to the government to redistribute wealth and take the role of God? Is the real issue here envy and coveting? Which is worse, envy or greed?

The next issue that keeps coming up is the issue of the wealth gap. The protestors are looking to force the redistribution of wealth through taxation. Again there is a thread of truth in this point in that one of God’s principles is giving to the poor. But giving to the poor is a result of a change in heart as opposed to more taxes on the wealthy. There are over 100 verses in the Bible about giving to the poor. Matthew 25:35-45 is just one of the passages where Jesus uses strong words to condemn those that did not give to the poor.

The third issue is that the “little people” (“99%”) have no voice and no one is caring for them. Again there is a bit of gospel here that we need to take care of each other. Philippians 2:4 reminds us of the need to care for one another. But is the answer to look to the government to step in that role and take care of them? Once again they are confusing the government with our Heavenly Father. Hebrews 13:5 says that God will never leave us nor forsake us.

Occupy Wall Street is a very dangerous movement. Like so many other movements, Satan has taken threads of truth and twisted these threads into lies for his purposes. I personally believe that many people involved in this movement are confusing the government with God. The government will never eliminate greed, fill hearts with generosity or take care of us. This should not be the responsibility of the government and will not be accomplished by revising the tax code. Only God can change hearts.

Our society depends on government when we need to depend on God. We are quick to attack the speck in someone else’s eye before dealing with the log in our eye. We can occupy every town in America, but until God occupies our hearts there is no hope.

I believe that what we are seeing in Greece and throughout Europe today is a taste of what we will soon see in America. The dangerous combination of irresponsible and reckless spending by all levels and parties of government and the misplaced dependence on government instead of God is a lethal combination. The government is not God. Taxation, redistribution and a change in government is not the answer. A changed heart is the answer.

Jeremiah 17:9 says it best that the heart is more deceitful than all else and desperately sick. OWS is just one more evidence of this disturbing and fundamental truth. Romans 15:13 tells us that that hope, joy and peace will come as a result of putting our trust in God and not the government.

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