This past weekend we had the privilege of being at Clinton Grace
Brethren Church for the weekend. We were truly blessed and thoroughly enjoyed
the opportunity of being there.
the weekend one of the questions that came up was “How do we prioritize debt
reduction with tithing”. On Sunday I
said that I believe tithing should be a higher priority than debt
reduction. Since this comment initiated
some questions, I thought this might be a good opportunity of discussing it a
bit further.
God tells
us pretty clearly in Proverbs 22:7 that debt is bondage and we should get out
of it as quickly as possible. For most
of us 10% of our income seems like a pretty good chunk of money that could be
going towards paying down our mortgage, car loans or credit card debts.
But I believe the answer to the question “Should we pay off debts
before tithing?” is a pretty definite NO!
First, we must realize that the tithe is only for those who truly desire
to follow Jesus Christ. If you are not a
believer in Jesus Christ, tithing does not apply to you. The instruction to tithe is only found in one
place and that is the Bible. So our discussion
about prioritizing debt repayment and tithing will assume that the Bible is the
final authority and we are followers of Christ.
Based on that assumption, here are a number of reasons I believe that
tithing is a greater priority than debt reduction.
The Bible offers no exception
The Bible
consistently maintains that tithing is a first priority of the believer
(Proverbs 3:9; Deuteronomy 14:22-23; Malachi 3:9). This is regardless of the circumstances. Abram tithed to Melchizedek in Genesis 14:20,
Jesus acknowledged that even the Pharisees were faithful in tithing (Matthew
23:23 and Luke 18:42) and the writer of Hebrews 7 indicates that tithing is a
regular discipline and exercise of worship.
Malachi 3:8 says that we are robbing God when we do not tithe. There is no “loophole” given for paying debts
before tithing.
God consistently
warns about the dangers of going into debt (although He does not forbid it). Violating God’s principles and finding
ourselves in excessive debt does not give us the right to ignore God’s
principles on tithing.
God owns everything…
We too
easily forget that God owns everything and money and possessions belong to God.
(Psalm 24:1) God can give and God can
take away. (Job 1:21) God is sovereign
over all that exists. Acts 17:28 says
“for in Him we live and move and exist”.
Debt is very much a part of this temporary life and may make us
uncomfortable today, but as true believers we are to obey the One who is the true
Christ compliments those who give
out of poverty…
made special mention of the woman who gave while she was in poverty. In God’s eyes her gift was far greater than
the gifts of those who had much larger means. (Luke 21:3-4) Poverty, debt or other financial issues do
not excuse the believer from tithing. We
need to tithe cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7) regardless of circumstances.
God will meet our
37:25 says “I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the
righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread”. Debt may have placed us in an uncomfortable
situation, but if we are seeking to live by God’s Economy He has promised to
meet our needs. Philippians 4:19 says
very clearly that God will meet our needs.
27:30,32 says the tithe is holy to God.
Deuteronomy 14:22-23 says that tithing indicates a “Fear of the Lord”
and Proverbs 9:10 says the “Fear of the Lord” is the beginning of wisdom. I believe the wisdom that comes from the Lord
includes sound money management (James 1:5-8).
In many cases the first step to getting out of debt is the tithe.
Tithing comes with a
11:9-13 assures us that God loves His children.
He wants us to trust Him and allow Him to show Himself to be
faithful. To withhold our tithe because
of our debts shows a lack of trust in God.
Remember God does not need our money, He needs our heart and by giving
Him our tithe we are indicating in a very tangible way that He has our heart.
Malachi 3:10 God clearly told the Israelites that if they tithed He would “Open
the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing until it overflows”. God loves us just as He loved the Israelites
and I do believe that promise applies to us as well. Just this weekend a number of Believers
shared with me how God blessed them as they began on their journey of tithing.
we really believe that God is God and He in control and loves us the decision
to tithe becomes a “no-brainer”. If we
find ourselves in debt and even excessive debt we need to diligently free
ourselves from the bondage that Proverbs 22:7 warns us of. And if we are a true child of God, we have no
choice but to cheerfully give Him the first fruits of all He blesses us with.
No amount of debt will be able to keep us from obeying Him.
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