There has been plenty of chatter about the debates and the primaries and caucuses over the last few months. Most of us have our favorite candidate that we would like to see challenge the current President. Maybe your favorite is still in the running but then again maybe they have dropped out. Or perhaps you are comfortable with the job that President Obama is doing and have not even paid attention to the primaries.
Although I am very concerned about our country on so many fronts, right now I am most concerned about the totally irresponsible position financially we are in. I think that unless we quickly get our financial house in order the future of America is very dark.
So based on this I have my candidate picked out.
Each Sunday morning, after we get done talking about politics and sports over coffee and pastry our Sunday School class has been studying Daniel. I was a little concerned when we began studying Daniel, that it was an Old Testament book that we would have a hard time finding relevant to today. Once again I was so wrong on this front.
This week and last week we are studying Daniel 4. In this chapter, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that covers his 43 year reign as king of Babylon. For the most part, it was a good time for King Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon. But for Daniel it was a little different. First at age seventeen he was taken into captivity, then he was then told that if he did not interpret a dream in chapter 2 he would be torn limb from limb and then he was thrown into a Lion’s den. Besides that he watched his friends thrown into a fiery furnace. I am sure that there were many times that Daniel had cause to worry about the events of Babylon, like I am now worried about the events in America.
But the main theme in Daniel is clear and that is the sovereignty of God. His sovereignty includes nations, kings and presidents. Even though King Nebuchadnezzar is considered one of the most powerful men in Ancient History, it is very clear in Daniel that God was sovereign over his reign as king. Even King Nebuchadnezzar eventually understood this as Daniel is reflecting on Nebuchadnezzar’s reign in Daniel 5:21b: “…he (Nebuchadnezzar) acknowledged that the Most High God is sovereign over all kingdoms of earth and sets over them anyone He wishes.” Did you hear that!!?? God gives power to whoever He desires to give power. God is ultimately in control of who will be sworn in as President of the United States on January 21, 2013.
Over two thousand and five hundred years after Daniel’s time it is pretty easy to see the sovereignty of God in King Nebuchadnezzar’s reign over Babylon. I believe that as we move forward from history, it gets easier it is to see the sovereignty of God. I believe that is why in eternity, God’s ways will be made perfectly clear. Someday we will see God’s plan for America and understand why He chose the leaders He did.
So should I be concerned if my candidate is still running or if my candidate wins the election? Yes, very definitely we should be concerned, just like I am sure Daniel was concerned with the events of Babylon, we need to be concerned and even involved in political events of America.
But what a blessing and assurance we can take from the book of Daniel. God is in control and it was His choice of King that ruled Babylon just like it will be His choice of Presidential candidates that will win the election in November.
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