Saturday, January 12, 2013

Money Mirror

This week I came across a quote by Billy Graham.   Since I was saved at a Billy Graham crusade over 50 years ago, I have a very deep appreciation for Billy Graham and his ministry.  So I paid close attention to the quote.  The quote was “A checkbook is a theological document.  It will tell you who and what you worship”.  I thought about that and immediately realized the truth of the statement.  If we want to see into our heart where should we look?  Our bank statement or checkbook may be the best place to start.  Didn’t Jesus say the same thing in Matthew 6:21 and Luke 12:34 when He said: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”? 

What Billy Graham and Jesus are saying is that we always spend money on things that are important to us.  So whatever I spend the most money on is what I love the most.  And what I spend the least amount of money on is what I value the least.

This past week I had the opportunity of sitting down with a young family and going over their finances.  More specifically, we looked at how much they spent in an average month in each of 10 different categories.  It is interesting how well I felt I knew them after this little exercise.  I knew them better after 45 minutes than some of my neighbors who I have lived very close to and exchanged small talk with for over four years.

Very shortly we will all be looking at our expenses from 2012 in preparation of submitting our Income taxes.  This is a great opportunity to look into the “Money Mirror” and ask ourselves the simple question of what is important.  See how much we have given to our church or other worthy ministries and helping others as compared to how much we spent on entertainment, vacations, designer clothing and eating out.  Remember that when you follow your money, you will find your heart and when your follow your heart you will find your money.

It might not be the most comforting fact, but it is true that our spiritual maturity is pretty easily seen in the way that we handle our money.  Money is a mirror that not only reflects what is important to me, but also if I understand stewardship and whose money it really is.  Do I trust God to provide or am I trying to work things out on my own power?

Invest, don’t spend.  If you read the two verses immediately preceding Matthew 6:21, you will see that Jesus clearly tells us to invest our money.  That’s right Jesus tells us to invest; but not in earthly investments likes stock and bonds.  We need to invest in investments that have eternal value.  Vacations, designer clothes, entertainment and eating out are nice and most likely in themselves are not sinful, but quite simply they have no eternal value and will never leave this earth.  But we can take people to heaven with us.  Jesus is saying invest in eternal investments.  When our money goes to helping the needy (Matthew 25:35-40) and supporting churches and ministries that are being used by God to draw people closer to Him and into His family we are making eternal investments.

So don’t lose this opportunity over the next few weeks in doing your taxes to look into the money mirror.  And remember that when you follow your money you will find your heart. (Matthew 6:21)

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