Monday, August 27, 2012

Federal debt, political conventions and hurricanes

Beside Isaac slamming into the Gulf Coast there are some other storms that are brewing.  For starters the US National Debt is expected to pass 16 trillion dollars.  (See US Debt Clock.)  And the hot air filled Republican and Democratic National Conventions are scheduled to take place over the next two weeks. (See NBC clip.)   Four different events, but I do think they should all be classified as storms. 

As we anticipate the damage that Tropical Storm (Hurricane) Isaac will have on the Gulf Coast states, we need to anticipate the damage that will result from ignoring God’s Word on how we handle our finances as a nation.   God’s principles apply to more than just individuals; they apply to churches, organizations and even the most powerful economy in the world, the US Economy.

This also may be a good opportunity to compare the presidential candidates’ positions on financial matters and see how they square up with the teaching of God’s Word.

Jeremiah 9:23-24  says that we should give thanks to God for our riches.  God has blessed America financially as we are in the top 20% of the wealthiest people in the world. Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us that it is God who creates wealth.  Do we as a nation today acknowledge that our wealth is from God and do we show gratitude to Him for it?  We are definitely a blessed people, but has our focus changed from giving thanks to God for His blessings to trying to eliminate Him from our society and our culture?

Proverbs 13:22 tells us to save for our children’s inheritance.  Since the last presidential election our national debt has increase over 5 trillion dollars.  Don’t blame everything on the current administration as over the last eight years the amount of debt that we have left to our children and grandchildren has increased 8.5 trillion dollars.  What type of inheritance are we leaving our children when they will be saddled with the cost of our excessive lifestyles?

Proverbs 22:7 tells us to get out of debt and to be free from the bondage of our creditors.  With foreign countries owning over 5 trillion dollars of our debt what will be the consequences?  We have a very complex and tenuous relationship with countries like China, Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia yet they own part of our debt.  Where is the wisdom in being in bondage to nations that have an antagonistic relationship with the US?

Luke 12:15 tells us to be on our guard against greed.  James Patterson and Peter Kim wrote a book called “The Day America Told the Truth” .  In this book they revealed some shocking revelations about what we as Americans would do for money.  CNBC runs a popular TV show called “American Greed” in which the theme of the weekly show is how corrupt we as Americans have become by greed.  The central theme of the Occupy Wall Street movement was the perceived greed of corporations and Wall Street in America.  How much are we on our guard against greed in America today? 

Luke 14:28 tells us to count the cost before spending.  According to our US Debt Clock (see bottom line) the US Government currently is responsible for over 120 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.  This amount is primarily a result of the existing liabilities of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs.  Have we counted the cost of adding a national health care program to our spending?

I am not suggesting that electing any one person as president could change this.  But I am suggesting that we as followers of Jesus Christ need to anticipate the storm that is coming just like they are doing in the Gulf Coast states right now.  The Bible gives principles on how we should manage finances.  As we listen to the speeches this week and next at the RNC and DNC filter them through the Word of God to determine which candidate (if any) will lead our country back to fiscal policies that are consistent with the Word of God?

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