Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Should Christians Boycott?

Over the last several years, various Christian groups and even churches have called for boycotts on corporations such as Disney, Starbucks, Proctor and Gamble, Nike, Levi Strauss and a host of others.  Recently there seems to be a wave of companies that are taking a “pro-gay” stance and consequently once again being targeted for boycotts by Christian Groups and churches.  Boycotting is effective in getting a message across if enough people participate.  If you are in doubt of the impact of a boycott, review the what happened to the Dixie Chicks after lead singer Natalie Maines made an antiwar statement on the eve of the Iraq war. 

Regardless of how effective boycotts are and who they are against, the question is: should Christians participate?  In reality the Bible says very little regarding boycotting corporations.  However there are some passages that are relevant to the discussion.  In 1 Corinthians 5:9-10 Paul tells us not to associate with immoral people, but then he is very clear that he is referring to immoral Christians and not referring to the immoral of this world.  He says that the only way to avoid immorality in this world would be to leave the world.  The world is immoral.

A boycott is a display of power, and to be more specific it is a display of economic power.  If a boycott has enough customers behind it will show a corporation that the boycotters can hurt the company by depriving it of revenue.  As a result the intent is that the corporation will need the revenue more than the need whatever controversial cause they were supporting.  It becomes a battle of who has more buying power and thus who is more valuable to the corporation.  Christ’s call to confront evil on a human and spiritual plane as described in Matthew 5:39-44 does not represent an attitude of overcoming evil with economic power.

The other obvious principle that needs to be applied is the fact that we are stewards and not owners of our money.  So when it comes to spending money, the first priority is not our desires, but the purpose and desires of God.  This means we must be aware of not only what we spend money on, but who we spend money with.  If an organization supports abortion or the gay and lesbian agenda, we in essence are using God’s money to support these opposing biblical causes.

So as Christians living in 2012 what should our position be on boycotting companies that openly promote anti biblical agendas? 

First and foremost I believe that we should remember that we are stewards and supporting these organizations should be avoided, if possible.  It certainly cannot be pleasing to God to see His money go to companies that outwardly mock the principles of His Word.

However, the semi-organized economic war tactic as a means to beat and punish secular non-Christian organizations into a biblical world view should be avoided.  This is not how Christ promoted changing the world.  Our only hope for changing the world will be through fulfilling the Great Commission.  And changing hearts will only take place through the power of the blood of Christ one heart at a time. (Ephesians 4:18; Romans 10:9).  

We must remember that we live in a society that is controlled by Satan (John 8:44 and 1 John 5:19) however and we as believers are free from that control (Colossians 1:13).   Attempting to try to change corporations by the use of economic power without changing the hearts will only frustrate believers because it will never happen. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

So while we must be wise stewards and spend God’s money in a way that is pleasing to Him, we must realize that we live in a fallen world and changing the world will never happen thorough economic boycotts.

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