Tuesday, July 26, 2011

God's path to prosperity

Recently we have been talking about things like investing, retirement, working and other subjects that might naturally bring us to the conclusion that the end result is to be rich or prosperity. Maybe we need to put a little pause in our thoughts and ask the question: Is it OK for a Christian to want to be rich? And if so does God outline a path to prosperity?

Psalm 35:27 says, “The Lord…delights in the prosperity of His servant.” 3 John 2 says, “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” After reading these verses, it appears that God does desire us to prosper. So it must be OK for a Christian to want to prosper. But we must be careful that we understand God’s path to prosperity.

Many Bible characters were extremely wealthy (Abraham, Isaac, David, Solomon). The Bible never condemns wealth or riches, but rather warns against pursuing them and allowing the pursuit and desire for prosperity to replace our love for God. Hebrews 13:5 tells us to be free from the love of money. It does not say to be free from money. 1 Timothy 6:10 says the love of money (not having money) leads to all kinds of evil. And Jesus said in Luke 12:15 that a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. Money is not wrong. The excessive focus on money and possessions or obtaining them is wrong.

Joshua spells out God’s path to riches in Joshua 1:8. This book of the law shall not depart for your mouth, but you shall mediate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.” According to this passage there are two requirements for prosperity: 1) Mediate on the Word of God and, 2) Do everything the Bible says. This is God’s simple plan for prosperity. It may not be easy to follow, but it is pretty simple to understand. Keep our focus and priorities on God and then we will prosper and have success. If we follow this simple two step formula, we can be assured we can handle prosperity.

Money and riches are not wrong, but they can be very dangerous. They can so easily divert our attention from God. Many passages in Proverbs and parables remind us of this truth. There is nothing wrong with becoming prosperous or desiring success. The key ingredient however, is to do it in the way that Joshua outlined, checking every motive and every desire against the Word of God.

Jesus is very clear in Matthew 6:24 when He said we cannot serve God and wealth. Joshua says the same thing is a little more practical way. If we study and mediate on the Word of God and love God with all our heart, our priorities will be with God and we will be serving God. On the other hand, if we are thinking about prosperity and becoming rich all the time, our priorities will be on money and becoming wealthy. God is a jealous God and does not want to compete for our attention with money.

So the answer to the question is it OK for a Christian to want to be rich becomes yes as long as our desires and life are consistent with God’s Word.

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