Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why do we give?

Now that Christmas is over, do you ever wonder why we give? And why we even want to give?

From my experience, I find that most believers (and many non-believers) have a desire to give and help other people. Think about this past Christmas and how many people stop at the Salvation Army kettle and deposit a dollar or two. Think about the millions of dollars that are put in church offering plates each Sunday. Think about the relief efforts around the world that are funded by the generous donations of individuals from all walks of life. Why is giving part of our nature?

I believe the answer to that question is found in the very beginning. Genesis 1:27 says very clearly that man was created in the image of God.

If we are created in the image of God, we need to understand God’s character. It doesn’t take a lot of digging to see that one of the main characteristics of God is giving. God’s love and His desire to express it to mankind through giving is continually presented throughout the Bible. Look at all spectrums of time from eternity past to eternity future and we see God’s loving nature consistently expressed by giving.

In creation we see that God gave us this world to enjoy and inhabit. We often lose site of the local beauty of the creation around us as it becomes too familiar. But when we travel we are reminded of the beauty of the earth God gave us. But how many of us have really taken in the beauty of the creation of the heavens? Recent technology has given us a small glimpse into the beauty of the universe. Here is a link to just one website that has some incredible pictures taken with the Hubble telescope.

And God certainly did not stop at creation. All through the Old Testament we see how God gave to Israel and consistently met the needs of individuals.

There is no verse that expresses God’s incredible heart for giving more than John 3:16. God stopped at absolutely nothing in giving His son so we could have a personal relationship with Him. And not only did Christ just give up heaven, He gave up being God in Heaven, where every knee bows and every being worships Him, to come and live as the lowliest of man on the earth (Philippians 2:7). There is no greater example of sacrificial giving that even comes close to actions of God the Father and God the Son.

John 14 tells us that even now God is preparing mansions or dwelling places for us to live in heaven. So not only is God giving to us now, He continues to give throughout all eternity.

God has always expressed His love to us by giving, and He always will. As believers in Jesus Christ, Romans 8:29 tells us that we are predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son. This is what we call sanctification. And if we are going to take on the character of Christ, we will be givers. This is why we give.

Here is just one more reason to get our financial house in order so that we can participate in one of the highest callings we have as followers of Christ and that is to give.

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