Monday, November 8, 2010

Does Living by God’s Economy Save Souls?

I have been asked the above question in many forms. In the Great Commission we are instructed to evangelize and disciple believers. Matthew 28:19-20 doesn't say anything about being debt free or even living on a budget; it simply says evangelize, disciple and baptize. And aren't we as Christians on this earth to fulfill the Great Commission?

So why is it so important for God's children to live by God's Economy? And does living by God's economy result in people being reached with the Gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission? My answer to that question is an unequivocal yes!

Allow me to illustrate this with a little history of my church (New Beginnings Grace Brethren Church – Myerstown PA). A few months ago we had a Missions emphasis Sunday. During this particular emphasis, the flags from all of the countries that our church is currently supporting missionaries were displayed across the front of the auditorium. It was a very colorful and impressive display of approximately 30 flags.

It was colorful because the flags are colorful. But it was impressive for a much different reason. It was impressive because the amount of support that our church is sending to missionaries today is over 400% higher than what it was a few short years ago.

Why has our church been able to drastically increase its mission budget over the last few years without significant growth in church attendance? It has to do with the teaching of our senior pastor. Since Pastor Keith (Shearer) has been there, he has consistently taught and encouraged the teaching of the principles of living by God's economy and not man's economy.

As these teachings have impacted individual's lives and individual's finances, they have translated to the churches budget. Not only has the per capita giving increased in the church, but the church has become debt free. Today, as opposed to our church sending thousands of dollars each month to a financial institution to pay down a mortgage, we are now able to send that money to fulfill the Great Commission.

One of the most basic and fundamental steps in fulfilling the Great Commission is for us as individuals and churches to understand and live by God's economy.

1 comment:

Keith's Blog said...

Thanks so much, George. God's economy is all inter-connected. Yes, being out of debt has enabled us to give far more. But refocusing on mission giving even before we were out of debt was one of the keys to God's provision in paying off the debt. People do see the power of the Gospel when they see us trusting God's provision for our lives and ministries. All praise to Him!!