Monday, March 1, 2010

Financial Bondage = No savings??

We have been looking at some of the symptoms of financial bondage according to God's Word. God's economy is much different that the world's economy and the Bible gives us some pretty good indicators to help us determine if we are experiencing financial bondage. I believe another symptom of financial bondage is a lack of savings.

Proverbs 21:20 says "There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man swallows it up." Proverbs 6:6-8 and Proverbs 30:24-25 tell us how smart those pesky ants are because they are gathering in the summer and saving for the winter. The Bible is pretty clear that we need to save for future needs. If you are familiar with Crown's Money Map you will notice that the first three destinations on our Journey to True Financial Freedom emphasize the need to build up savings. reports that over 60% of workers are now living paycheck to paycheck.

Listen to how important Paul told Timothy savings is. 2 Timothy 5:8 says "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than and unbeliever." If we have a legitimate need in our family and are not in a position to help, we are classified as worse than a non believer. One of the main ways we will be able to help is by having funds available in a savings account. I personally believe that this first applies to our blood family but to a lesser degree to our church family.

Yesterday Pastor Keith talked about the two different words that are used in the Bible for time: Chronos and Kairos. Chronos is the same word that we get chronological from. This is what our reference to time is based on. We expect 11:00 am to come after 10:00 am and the 15th of the month to come after the 10th of the month. That is Chronos timing. But God deals in Kairos time. Karios time is more the right or opportune moment or season of opportunity.

This is one of the reasons why I believe that God wants us to save. He may be blessing us today for a need He knows we will have tomorrow. He knows when our car will break down and He knows when we will lose our job. Our unexpected tax refund or overtime pay may be to meet a future need we will have. Yes, God wants us to save. See Genesis 41:34-36 for the example of Joseph saving for a future need.

However, we must be careful with savings, because like so many other things with money savings can be used by Satan. The Bible tells us not to hoard. Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 5:13 "There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun; riches being hoarded by their owner to his hurt". Sometimes God blesses us to meet others needs or to be used in supporting God's work. When we keep that blessing in a savings account we are hoarding. We must be very sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit when dealing with the blessing that God gives us.

Another danger of Satan using our savings is that we replace our trust in God with a trust in a portfolio or savings account. Proverbs 23:5 says "When you set your eyes on it, it is gone. For wealth certainly makes itself wings like and eagle that flies towards the heaven". We must gain our security by trusting in God and not in a savings account. As I (and many "baby boomers") move towards retirement, this becomes a major temptation.

I believe it is a good idea to have specific goals in mind with our savings. Know how much we need for retirement and how much we need for our children's education and then stop when we have enough. Someday we will have enough, and at that point we are free to use 100% of our resources to fulfill the Great Commission. That is what the Journey to True Financial Freedom is all about.



Keith's Blog said...

Good article. I would only add, that if you are going to retire, make sure that is for the glory of God and the Great Commission, then even that money counts, not just "someday". Or, if you are educating your children, make sure you are educating them for God's glory and the Great Commission - then your investment is in the Great Commission now, not just someday. Ministry does not begin "someday" when we have "enough" - it is to be now. Right now is a kairos opportunity!!

Unknown said...

Pastor Keith, thanks for the comment.

Recently I was at a church in Bethlehem and someone made the comment that they thought I was saying we should wait until retirement to serve God. This is a gross misunderstanding. You are right that now is a "kairos" opportunity. If God calls us, we need to serve.

However, I believe that God's Word is very clear that we need to take care of our families (I Timothy 5:8). I do not believe that God will ever call us into a ministry that will put us in a position of not being able to meet our families needs (physically, emotionally and financially).

This is why I believe that when a Christian has fulfilled all of his earthly financial responsibilities, he is in an ideal position to serve God. (Crown calls this destination 7 on the Journey to True Financial Freedom.)
