Monday, December 7, 2009

Why live by God's Economy?

Over the last few months we have spent some time talking about how God's economy is different than the World's economy. Here is just a quick partial review.

The world looks at our money as ours and we deserve it. God looks at our money as His and we are His stewards. The world says we should always want more, God says be content with what we have. The world says hold on tight to what we have. God says be generous and ready to share. The world tells us to get into debt and use others money. God tells us to be very cautious of debt and stay away from it. The world tells us that more money and more things will provide happiness. God says that money and things can get in the way of eternal happiness.

So the question is why should we live by God's economy instead of the World's economy? I believe this question is a fundamental question that many believers answer incorrectly.

Over the last four years, I have had the privilege of teaching Crown's Journey to True Financial Freedom to thousands of individuals. In addition to this over the last 20 years, I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of families and individuals who were struggling with their finances. Most of the individuals in both groups, I would classify as believers.

The question that I often ask myself is why would someone spend $25 seminar fee and 8 hours to listen to a partially bald headed boring instructor talk about what the Bible says about money. Or worse than that why would anyone commit to a minimum of 3 to 4 one - two hour plus counseling sessions to share their financial situation with someone who was at the very end of line when God passed out compassion.

I really believe that the honest answer most people would give to this question is that they want to get out of the financial mess they are in. They want to get away from the pressures of debt, relief from the financial stress in their families and ultimately be financially free or not dependent on a paycheck. And yes, God's economy outlines a path to achieve these goals.

But I truly believe "getting out of our current financial mess" is the wrong answer for a Christian. And secondly I believe that as a result of this wrong answer, most Christians never see the financial freedom that God's economy promises.

The reason we handle our money according to God's economy is because we are His Children and God has called us to handle our money differently than the world. Romans 12:2 says " not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so you may prove what the will of God is..." 1 Peter 2:9 says we are "...a chosen that we proclaim the excellencies of him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light". In other words, as Christians, we are to act differently than the world. Or to put it another way, we follow God's economy because we are followers of Jesus Christ and not followers of the world.

There are over 2,000 verses in the Bible that talk about money and possessions. Part of making Christ the Lord and Savior of our lives is handling our money the way we are instructed to in God's Word. (See Luke 6:46 and James 1:22.)

If our purpose for living by God's economy is simply to get out of the financial mess we are in, unfortunately I cannot guarantee it will do that (although it may). However if our purpose for living by God's economy is to live a life pleasing to Him, I can assure you that we will see the truth of Proverbs 10:22 in our lives (It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and He adds no sorrow to it).