Monday, July 6, 2009

The secret to happiness

In the last two weeks I have met with three couples who had questions about their finances. This was a good thing, because all three were asking how they could handle their money consistent with biblical principles. In this regard they were very similar.

But looking just below the surface there were some significant differences in these couples. Let me briefly introduce them to you. We will call them Couple #1, Couple #2 and Couple #3. (This is not their real names.)

Couple #1 live in a very nice house (they showed me a picture). They have a very nice family and they love the Lord. Their situation is that with the uncertainty of the economy (and employment) and the strain of their monthly mortgage payments, they are starting to worry about the future.

Couple #2 have a very nice car. (I saw it). They also have a very nice place to vacation each year. They too want to handle their money according to what the Bible has to say. The car payments and the monthly payments and upkeep on the vacation condominium are causing arguments and stress in their marriage.

Couple #3 have a modest house and drive a modest car. (I have seen them.) Their income is substantially less than Couple #1 and Couple #2. The topic of our time together was making sure their giving was consistent with God's Word. In our meeting I detected no worry for the future or disagreements among them. They were very content with the situation they are in. Without a doubt, I would classify them as the happiest of the three couples.

On Sunday Pastor Keith (my pastor) led us through Hebrews 12:1-2 and then to Colossians 3:2 "
Set your minds on things above, not on the things that are on earth." There is nothing wrong with the nice house, nice vacation or nice car. The problem is that they are just so temporary and so earthly. Contentment and true happiness will come when we focus on things of eternity and not on things of this earth.

We ended the service yesterday by singing the hymn by Helen Lemmel "Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus" Here are the words to that familiar chorus:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

Helen Lemmel really understood the secret to happiness.

Oh by the way, in case you think you recognized Couple #1, Couple #2 or Couple #3 by their names, some of the details of their lives have been changed to protect their identity.

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