Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More good news about the economy!

Once again this last week gave me an interesting perspective on this economy. As I sat through a number of secular and ministry related meetings and did some reading, I continue to gain a deeper appreciation for God’s hand in this economic tsunami we are in.

In reviewing financial information for two organizations that I believe are God honoring in the way they handle their finances, God demonstrates His faithfulness. In both cases (Americas Keswick and Grace Brethren Investment Foundation) it is evident that God is faithful regardless of economic conditions.

I also had the opportunity of talking with a number of small business owners. Many of them expressed a process of company evaluations to determine possible places where waste could be eliminated. My family is doing this as I am sure many other families are doing this as well. Proverbs 1:3 indicates that the book was written “for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life”. These times of reevaluation of our businesses and lifestyle can be a very good thing.

I also read an article in the ECFA spring newsletter “Ten Benefits of Difficult Times ". This article reminded me of some additional benefits of this economy that I had not thought of. Let me share a few of them with you.

This economy presents new opportunities to display hospitality: Romans 12:13 instruct us to pursue hospitality. Inviting friends and families over may be the only entertainment we or they can afford. A bag of potato chips, a bottle of store brand soda, dusting off some old table games with some close friends could result in a much more memorable evening than an expensive dinner at a restaurant.

This economy could show us a new level of giving: Crown teaches three levels of giving: 1. Sharing from obedience (tithing); 2. Sharing from abundance and; 3. Sharing sacrificially. Many folks are having the opportunity for the first time of participating in sacrificial giving. Commitments (either before God or before man) made with the intention of sharing from abundance are being practiced sacrificially.

This economy is giving many a new appreciation for our jobs: Both in ministries and in the public sector, workers are getting a new appreciation for their jobs. As believers, our paychecks may be signed by someone else but we work for the Lord (Colossians 3:23,24). God gives us the skills to perform our jobs (Exodus 36:1). God also gives us our promotions (Psalm 75:6,7; Genesis 39:2,3). God wants us to appreciate our jobs and realize we work for Him and not just for a paycheck.

This may be a time for revival: Difficult times drive us to humility and spirit of repentance and deeper dependence upon God. Starting with the church in Macedonia (2 Corinthians 8) to the revival taking place in China’s persecuted church today; God will use difficult times to spark a revival. Our country so desperately needs revival, perhaps this is the spark.

I certainly see the pain of this economy and have a hard time with many of the decisions made by our government leaders to deal with the economy. But everyday God continues to show me different ways He is using this economy to deepen my relationship and others with Him. Yes, thank you God for being in control of all things.

I would enjoy hearing comments from others on the way the God is using this economy to bring His children closer to Him.

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