Monday, February 16, 2009

How can I have peace when all I hear is bad news?

I have been watching C-Span with a little more interest than normal recently as I am trying to better understand this current 700 billion dollar bailout plan. Quite frankly, I am a little unclear how the federal government is going to solve this. Wasn't their lax enforcement of regulations, massive deficit spending and mandates to take risky loans a major cause of the economic meltdown?

How is another trillion dollars in deficit spending and more control by the federal government going to solve this mess?

Now don't get me wrong, I don't know what the answer is. It is far too easy to criticize President Obama and Congress when the Bible clearly encourages me to be praying for them and supporting them. (Romans 13:1,2)

It is pretty difficult to have peace during these times. But I keep going back to my new found favorite verse: Proverbs 10:22 "It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and He adds no sorrow to it". So, in God's economy, I am to remain calm and to have peace. How do I have peace and remain calm in times like these?

I think the key is to understand exactly what true peace is. John 14:27 says: "Peace I leave with you: My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you..." God's peace is different than the world's peace.

The world's peace is very temporary. The world and its economy define peace as the absence of problems. If the economy is good, our portfolio is going up; we have the world's peace. If we have a nice dinner or get a new care; we enjoy the world's peace.

This may be peace, but at best it is a very temporary peace. The economy is in trouble, we will forget the dinner and the car will become old. John 16:33 says" "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulations, but take courage; I have overcome the world." The peace the Bible talks about is far more permanent than just the absence of problems. It is a much higher quality peace than the world's peace.

God's Word and God's economy outline our source of peace as being our relationship with God. Judges 6:24 says "...the Lord is Peace" and 2 Thess. 3:16 says" ...may the Lord of Peace give you peace."

God is faithful. He will take care and provide for His children. God is sovereign. He holds not only today, but all of eternity in His hand. God loves me and wants the best for me. God will overcome the world. By putting our faith in God, we can enjoy peace...true peace! Yes, God wants us to be calm and enjoy peace (true peace) with our finances.

1 comment:

Keith's Blog said...

Hi George . . .

So good to see your blog up on the FGBC website. Did you see it yet?

P. Keith